Enicat's Blog

Enicat's Blog

BIRD 与 BGP 配置指南


在经过漫长的流程请求到 ASN 以及 IP 之后, 又多了一位公网漏油的人.

关于 ASN 申请可以查阅我的申请经历, 获取 IP 可以从各大 RIR 也可从 LIR 租赁. (例如从 Cloudie.sh 可以年付 $15 租赁 IPv6 /44 或 $129 月付的价格租赁 IPv4 /24.)

ARIN IP 出租 (仅允许在 ARIN 区域内广播)

  • IPv4 /24 $120/M ($1000/Y)

  • IPv6 /48 $5/Y

    IPv6 /44 $15/Y

联系方式: Telegram

以下用 Misaka 为例, 记录 BGP Sessions 申请以及 Bird2 配置.

BGP Sessions 请求

创建 Ticket 告知请求 BGP Service, 并等待回复. 对方会向你确认已阅读 BYOIP / Public BGP Service 的说明, 关于设置费用为 $75.

在对方向你 ASN 预留的邮箱发送验证邮件并得到你的确认回复后, 会为你的账户启用 BGP 选项卡, 相关信息会显示在 VM 的 Networking 选项内.

Misaka 通过 RPKI 验证你是否有资格使用此前缀, 请务必要求你的上游为你创建 RPKI.


你需要创建虚拟网卡并绑定你的 IP. 请注意, 通过命令的形式创建的网卡会在 VM 重启后消失.

ip link add dummy0 type dummy # 新建一个 dummy 网卡, 命名为 dummy0.
ip link set dummy0 up # 标记状态为 UP
ip addr add dev dummy0 # 向 dummy 网卡添加 IP.
ip addr add 2602::128/128 dev dummy0 # 向 dummy 网卡添加 IP.

配置 rc.local

dummy 会随着重启而失效, 所以配置 rc.local 使开机自启.

vim /etc/systemd/system/rc-local.service


Description=/etc/rc.local support

# disable timeout logic



systemctl enable rc-local.service

创建 /etc/rc.local

touch /etc/rc.local
chmod +x /etc/rc.local
vim /etc/rc.local


ip link add dummy0 type dummy
ip link set dummy0 up
ip addr add dev dummy0
ip addr add 2602::128/128 dev dummy0

exit 0


systemctl start rc-local.service
systemctl status rc-local.service

配置 Bird2

Arch Linux
pacman -S bird # 安装 Bird2
echo > /etc/bird.conf # Bird 默认配置文件位于 Arch Linux 的位置.
apt install -y bird2 # 安装 Bird2
echo > /etc/bird/bird.conf # Bird 默认配置文件位于 Debian 的位置.

注意, 以下配置中涉及的地址应更改.

# This is an example configuration file for BIRD Internet Routing Daemon for demonstration purposes only.
# For production use, you should write your own configuration file suitable for your network topology instead.
# Modified from: https://github.com/CZ-NIC/bird/blob/v2.0.7/doc/bird.conf.example
# This is the unique identifier of the router,
# change it to your primary IPv4 address.
router id;    # 此处修改为公网 IP
# The Kernel protocol is not a real routing protocol. Instead of communicating
# with other routers in the network, it performs synchronization of BIRD
# routing tables with the OS kernel. One instance per table.
protocol kernel {
    ipv4 {
        # import all;   # Import to table, default is import all
        export all;     # Export to protocol. default is export none
#	learn;			    # Learn alien routes from the kernel
#	kernel table 10;	# Kernel table to synchronize with (default: main)
# Another instance for IPv6, skipping default options
protocol kernel {
    ipv6 { export all; };
# The direct protocol is not a real routing protocol. It automatically generates
# direct routes to all network interfaces. Can exist in as many instances as you
# wish if you want to populate multiple routing tables with direct routes.
protocol direct {
    disabled;           # Disable by default
    ipv4;               # Connect to default IPv4 table
    ipv6;               # ... and to default IPv6 table
# Static routes (again, there can be multiple instances, so that you
# can disable/enable various groups of static routes on the fly).
protocol static static4_bgp {
    ipv4;			# Again, IPv4 channel with default options
    route reject; # 此处修改为宣告的 IPv4
protocol static static6_bgp {
    route 2001:db8::/32 reject; # 此处修改为宣告的 IPv6
filter misaka_bgp4_out {
    if proto = "static4_bgp" then accept;
filter misaka_bgp6_out {
    if proto = "static6_bgp" then accept;
protocol bgp bgp4_misaka {
    # change it to your own ASN number.
    local as 64555; # 此处修改为你的 ASN
    neighbor as 57695;
    ipv4 {
        # though we provide full table, it's not really necessary to import all routes
        import none;
        export filter misaka_bgp4_out;
protocol bgp bgp6_misaka {
    # change it to your own ASN number.
    local as 64555; # 此处修改为你的 ASN
    neighbor 2a0b:4342:ffff:: as 57695;
    ipv6 {
        # though we provide full table, it's not really necessary to import all routes
        import none;
        export filter misaka_bgp6_out;
systemctl restart bird # 重启 Bird2
birdc s p # 查看 Bird 广播状态, Established 为广播正常.

设置默认出口 IP

ip -6 r # 查看默认网关
ip -6 route change default via fe80:: dev eth0 proto ra metric 1024 pref medium src 2602::1 # 注意修改默认网关地址&网卡&IP